Fear of Uncertainty
To play yourself false about planning the future while deep down you actually are struggling to make it to Saturday, to only fantasize normal ability as a gem and watch it show magic to the world while yourself sitting in the comfortable armchair on the balcony of fortune, to keep adding bullets in the bucket list and wait for the faintest hope make the dreams come true. Ask me if this would work. Ask me how this would work. I don’t speak a word about it. I now know that next time before dropping any bullets on the list, I shall put that bullet into much consideration. About half a life is no more with me, just a couple of memories which I believe would serve my heart even after I kick the bucket (if there really is Soul that they believe), it was yesterday, and that’s gone, wouldn’t help me with my list. And the possible half of my life is not my friend, not even acquaintance. He is Oliver. Let’s say he is Oliver Walker who I haven’t met, not sure how empathetic or coldhearted h...